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25 June 2015  |  Sabina Gonzalez-George
Mark One 3D Printer UK Launch Round Up

Mark One Composite 3D Printer Official UK Launch - Round up


Earlier this week (22nd June 2015) we held the Official UK Launch of the revolutionary new Mark One Composite 3D Printer by MarkForged, at the University of Derby's Institute for Innovation in Sustainable Engineering (IISE).


The event was a great success, with a large number of businesses attending from a wide variety of industries from manufacturing, industry, design and academia. The launch was centred around the high-strength printing capabilities of the Mark One Composite 3D Printer, a desktop 3D printer that prints in Nylon and can add reinforced fibres in Carbon Fibres, Kevlar and Fibreglass. 

15 June 2015  |  Sabina Gonzalez-George
MakerBot Desktop Software Update

MakerBot have just released the latest update to their MakerBot Desktop Software, compatible with the range of MakerBot Desktop 3D Printers


The software sees some fantastic enhancements to the software in the form of custom profile setting, allowing for greater flexibility and control for more complex prints in the 5th Generation range of desktop 3D printers.

12 June 2015  |  Sabina Gonzalez-George
CREAT3D’s 3D printing round-up from 3D Printshow London

3D Printshow London 2015 Round Up


What a busy show! It was great to meet and chat to so many different people from a wide range of industries, and to showcase the latest 3D printing and 3D scanning technologies.

10 June 2015  |  Sabina Gonzalez-George
Official UK Launch of the Mark One Composite 3D Printer

We are pleased to announce the official UK launch of the new Mark One Composite 3D Printer on Monday 22 June, 2015.


The launch will be held at the Institute for Innovation in Sustainable Engineering (IISE), in Derby, a fantastic facility developed by the University of Derby that supports advanced manufacturing and engineering companies, of which CREAT3D is a partner.


7 May 2015  |  Sabina Gonzalez-George
CREAT3D adds the Mark One Composite 3D printer to product range

CREAT3D is the first UK specialist to offer the new FFF / CFF desktop 3D printer by MarkForged.


CREAT3D Ltd, the UK’s leading independent specialist retailer of desktop 3D printers is pleased to announce the addition to their product range with MarkForged’s new Mark One Composite 3D Printer.

7 May 2015  |  Sabina Gonzalez-George
CREAT3D adds MarkForged's Mark One 3D Printer to range

We are very excited to announce we have added the new Mark One Composite 3D Printer and Mark One Professional Kit by MarkForged to our existing product line-up.


The new Mark One Composite 3D Printer is a revolutionary desktop 3D printer that creates high strength 3D printed parts. With dual extruders, the Mark One uses FFF & CFF technologies to print Nylon parts with reinforced fibres in Carbon Fibre, Fibreglass and Kevlar (see full range), producing functional parts that can be stronger than aluminium, ideal for engineering applications to create prototypes, jigs and tooling.

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